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Animasi Websita Mudah Gratis
Basic Flash MenuEasy to use flash menu generator with all the essential features. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus.
Drop Down Flash MenuAdvanced Flash menu generator with sub menus. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus.
Expandable Flash MenuA dynamic menu that opens an expandable sub menu when a button is clicked. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from.
Icon Wave MenuA macOS like menu made of icon buttons. Up to 10 buttons, each button can be customized.
Rainbow MenuA horizontal grey menu generator with animated button descriptions. Number of buttons is fixed to 7.
Scale MenuA menu generator with buttons that will resize dynamically with mouse movement. Vertical menu only. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from.

3D Rotating Text3D spinning text, you can link it to a webpage and adjust font, colors, size, speed, etc.
Animated TextThis generator will create an animated text header for your website.
Glowing WordsNice and slick animated text effect with glowing letters.
Neon TextAnimated blinking neon text effect with icon.
Scrolling LEDsA scrolling LED panel generator with many options like color, speed, font and size.
Scrolling Text MarqueeA horizontal scrolling text effect that you can use for your website news, or important announcements.
Static TextA simple static text generator to create website headings. You can make your text clickable.

Alert BannerEnergizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 468x60.
Alert LeaderboardEnergizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 728x90.
Alert RectangleEnergizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 300x250.
Alert SkyscraperEnergizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 160x600.
Blue BannerSimple animated promotional blue banner. Size: 468x60.
Butterfly BannerAnimated Flash banner with butterflies and a floral theme. Size: 468x60
Duo bannerSimple corporate banner with 2 images. Size: 468x60.
Duo RectangleSimple corporate banner with 2 images. Size: 300x250.
Glow BannerFully re-sizable banner generator, with many customization options.
Icon BannerBanner with custom animated icon. Size: 468x60.
Red Bubbles BannerAnimated Flash banner with red bubbles and a blue background. Size: 468x60.
Stars BannerAnimated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 468x60
Stars LeaderboardAnimated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 728x90.
Stars RectangleAnimated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 300x250.
Stars SkyscraperAnimated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 160x600.
Subway BannerAnimated Flash banner with a subway theme. Size: 468x60.
Sun BannerAnimated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 468x60
Sun LeaderboardAnimated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 728x90.
Sun RectangleAnimated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 300x250.
Sun SkyscraperAnimated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 160x600.
Zaurora BannerFully re-sizable banner generator, with many customization options. Use carefully, may use a lot of CPU power.

Big Flashing ButtonA big flashing button generator, that can be used to prompt your visitors for action or any other purposes you can think of.
Extreme ButtonModify
many settings to get the button style and effect you want. Features
animated glowing light effects available in many forms!
3D Flip ClockA simple numeric clock with flipping numbers effect and am-pm or 24 hours mode.
Analog ClockAn elaborate analog clock generator with many customization features.
Numeric ClockA simple numeric clock with text effects and am-pm or 24 hours mode.
Animated FlagAnimated Flag with text. Flag effect is from Andre Michelle Flash coder.
Skinnable Google Search BoxWant
your own search engine ? Bring the power of Google search to your site.
Create a customized search box that easily adds site search to your
site. Many skins to choose from.
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